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Pillai’s rising popularity brought him to the notice of the reigning monarch of nadhaswaram, namely Thiruvavaduthurai N Rajarathnam Pillai. Having attended a performance of Pillai’s TNR went back to his native place Tiruvavadurai and announced that he had found a suitable match for his cousin, Rajambal. The wedding took place in 1923. The nagaswarm concert on that occasion featured the veteran Madurai Ponnusami Pillai. The couple went on to have to sons, Selvarathnam (1929) and Sundaranathan (1938). Ten years later, Pillai married yet another cousin of TNR’s – Lakshmikantham. He was to have a son Sivakumar (1955) through her as well. For some time Pillai also paired with his brother-in-law in nadhaswara performances and the duo was exceedingly popular. Later each went his way, through their relationship was extremely affectionate and close.